miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

Is a saint ??

I think that this man has nothing holy.
Jesus Malverde is a character of folklore of the Mexican state of Sinaloa who was robber and is revered as a saint by many, although its existence is disputed. The Catholic Church does not recognize official status of a saint, because he does not specific details about their lives or who have performed miracles, but his cult has spread throughout Sinaloa and beyond. You have raised several chapels: the original is in Culiacán, too, is in Tijuana, Badiraguato and Chihuahua on the road leading to the airport. Even others have been built outside the borders of Mexico, as in the Colombian city of Cali and in Los Angeles, United States. Malverde is known as "El Bandido Generoso" or "The Angel of the Poor", as "the saint of the narcos." It was a kind of Robin Hood.

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