miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009


Caligula, went down in history as one of the greatest tyrants who have ever existed. Although some suggest that Caligula made use only of terror as a way to retain power, it is true that capricious their crimes have left an echo in the story that brings to mind the dangers of absolute power in the wrong person. The actual name of Caligula Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus was, but acquired the nickname Caligula from very small when accompanying his father, the German general in their campaigns and wore the shoes of the Roman soldier, who was called "Caliga" by of which the young Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus he was given the nickname of Caligula, something like "Botita. Caligula was the son of Germanicus and Agrippina the greatest. Caligula was also a descendant of Marco Antonio, a faithful comrade in arms of Julius Caesar and Octavian, the adopted son of Julius Caesar.

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