lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

What causes arthritis?

A pure borrachito smelled of tequila for the 4 sides, climb on a bus and sits with his bag and roñoso an old newspaper next to a cure.

Take a bottle of cheap liquor and takes all that remains of a single drink. Satisfied, he 'hip' and burp, grab the newspaper and starts reading.

The Cure pretend that there drunk and not conceal his discomfort.

Soon, he was the drunk looking Cura and asks:

- "Hey Father, chingada Can you tell me what causes arthritis?"

Father upset, replied in sarcastic tone:

- "Certainly the arthritis is caused by a life profane, worldly women attending the walk, the excesses in snuff and drink, especially alcohol, those who end up drunk pirujas at night and many more of such rubbish and junk. .. "

- "Uuutamaadree to mieeeeeeeeerda," replies the drunk back to his reading.

The Cure at the time, thinking about what they told the poor man was conduele and decides to apologize and said in sympathetic tone: --

- "Sorry you did not want my son to be so rude but ... How long have you suffer from arthritis?"

- "Yooo? No joda, ¡¡¡Father Never! Was just reading this article that said that the Pope suffers from arthritis for several years ..."

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