domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

Decalogue to keep friends

1 - Take the first step: If you have friends began to search. Come say "hello", smiling and then everything will be easier.

2 - Interésate by others: Things to ask your partner. Think that everyone loves to talk about ourselves.

3 - Listen carefully: Hear what I say, trying to look into the face

4 - Speak to you: Account your interests and your tastes. So you know better.

5 - Be honest: No need to say what they think would like to hear. Say what you really think about things. We all like to be honest.

6 - Be tolerant: It goes the other will think or behave like you. The difference can be more fun. 7 - Be nice: You can be honest without hurting your partner. Some things are better not say so as not to disturb the other person.

8 - Participates: Sign in or in a team sport. It is in those places where you can meet other kids your age.

9 - Strive. Do not let others plan and do all the work. You too can help make all paséis good.

10 - Choose your friends: No need to be with those who do not wear well. Choose the company you choose.

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