lunes, 23 de febrero de 2009

DURANGO state failed

Much has been said of the situation in streets of Durango and worldwide

our country have come to compare with countries who never imagined

President Bush said the death toll in mexico in the past year was the dead of the war in Iraq.

Daily diistintos in many countries have warned people to visit our country by the violence wave that hit is difficult to talk about what is not known but the government can do more for our state, they know where the bad guys and prefer silence rather than acting, I think it's time to put a stop to these criminals who roam the streets of our City does not obligate us to take the law into our hands, we do not want a war for our children, but also to grow in this dirt.

Do something not left with nothing so please ask.

3 comentarios:

  1. I mostly agree with you, however I feel the government is doing a good job. I know is hard to understand, but the real problem is that everybody just passes the responsibility to someone else.

    If we were to do exactly as our Constitution says, the we would be responsible for the situation. The government can't change things if we don't help. We see our classmates cheating, we bribe traffic cops, we get drunk and act irresponsible. We do drugs.... all the crime that we complain about BEGINS with US. And yet, all we do is just point at the government and say: "YOU have to do something". Maybe we should start to do something.

  2. I think that he is a very delicate problem and some people are involved in all this problem for accident. Because you believe that a people who does not have work, and nevertheless they has children that them are asking that to eat, and if the father of this family they ask him to interfere for a few weight. The father interferes so as to take money to his house. And of any form others do not have anything that to see with drugs and nevertheless they have to live for accident scenes very difficult and sometimes catastrophic.

  3. I completely agree that we have to end the war that exists in our country especially if we want our children to grow in a peaceful country and we lived in a part of our lives. Unfortunately we as citizens can only ask the government to expect more will follow and do something and most sad is that many of the rulers are the head of some drug-trafficking organizations.
