viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

American Rodeo

The rodeo is a traditional North American sport with influences from the history of Mexican vaqueros and cowboys Canadians. Is to mount bareback horses and wild cattle vaccines bravas (like calves and bulls) and perform various exercises such as throwing the lasso, Rejón, etc..

The most popular style is the U.S. due to the influence of that country, but has different variants. The Rodeo Capital of Mexico is in the northern state of Chihuahua, from which the cowboy outfit that later would be adopted by Americans.

It is estimated that this rodeo is followed by about 30 million fans who attend major festivals conducted primarily in western U.S. The herd originated as an extension of the daily lives of American cowboys and the livestock that qualify and riding and training young horses Bücking made a natural progression to competition between the cowboys

The Spaniards who colonized the far north of New Spain including Texas, New Mexico, California and northern Mexico today, led large cattle to populate the vast plains. Taking as precedent the charreria plains of Apan arise coleaderos luck and working as an activity and recreation among the Spanish and Mexican vaqueros of the Pecos Valley.

Following the extensive Mexican territory that became part of the United States, many Anglo-Americans and Irish immigrants settled in the new territories rapidly incorporated into the activities of the Texas cowboy.

The term "rodeo," the Castilian word ring, began to be used in the U.S. territory taken from Mexico in the nineteenth century.

The jaripeo, which led to the rodeo and festival of charros, Mexican dating from the early nineteenth century and even the time of the Spanish colonies, from chores to jeans and trainers of horses in corrals and performed bullrings.

Jaripeo The sport is practiced in villages and neighborhoods of provincial cities in improvised spaces as opposed to American-style rodeo (which is also practiced in Mexico) and the charreria. It is worth mentioning that in Chile is the national sport rodeo chileno. Sport that is practiced by people equivalent to the cowboys, called huasos, but it is practiced with different characteristics to those of the herd in northern hemisphere.

Tests roundup Horse with Mount This test is the most classic one rodeo. Is that a rider must remain seated for 8 seconds on a bronco horse stumbling and agitated. The cowboy uses a chair with stirrups and a braided rein of 2 meters long. Is the most popular and which are more tuned in on television. Demolition of Novillo

In this test, the rider must try to shoot down a steer with a weight of approximately three to five times the weight of the contestant. With its arreador "steer riding parallel to ensure that run in a straight line.

Double loop The double loop is the only rodeo event where two cowboys compete as partners. The "head" Laza steer horns and riding on the left. Then the "heel" begins to work, lazando the two rear legs of the steer. The pair that achieves the two hind legs Lazar steer is the winner.

Horse with Pretal A rider that makes the lot of Bronco Pretal is positioned with a jump to the middle of the back of a bronco horse of 545 kg, which is jumping and kicking and violently agitated, and tries to sit on it for a period of 8 seconds with the help of saddle, reins or stirrups. Their only handle strings are leather and leather wrap around the horse.

Simple loop A rider on a test of Barrilero. The cowboy must "catch" her steer with a ribbon, get off the horse and run towards the steer, pull of 140 kg animal andalusia andalusia floor, gather three legs of the steer with a rope and tied 2 of my throw your hands up at the end of his career.

Barrilero Barrilero racing show speed and agility of the horse and the rider's skill and control. The horse and rider run around one of the barrels placed in a cloverleaf, starting and ending on the same line. Be done in the shortest possible time, whether one is demolished Barrilero time is deducted. This test usually involving women.

Bull riding. This test is very popular and also one of the most dangerous. The rider weaves a rope around his flat glove to help hold the animal. The rider must stay on the animal for a time. Multiple fractures are likely to have a rider with a bad fall.

3 comentarios:

  1. Wow, very long post. Unfortunately it is a bit hard to understand. Try not to translate, just think in English, write in English using the words that you know. Also, very different from the other posts.

  2. The rodeo is a sport very emocionate I had the opportunity to see and I like a lot but also makes me a very dangerous sport.
    When one is in the stands and watching the animal is thrown against the fence containment is much mended or at least to me a lot and I was afraid to be afigura exit.

  3. I think this sport is very exciting, but equally it is very dangerous because in this sport have havido many deaths of Ginetes.
