miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009


today, i want to talk about a person than when i feel sad, to see his videos in internet make me feel so happy, cause he make tha things like he wants, he has a safety self by the way, i like so much tha sport but i cant make sport any more, however, my grandma toldme "i ll bring u with a miss and she will performance your back then you gonna make better...

by the way this is a link for you can to admire to my friend ramon dekker. check this out.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009


what can you do, when tha heart is strongest than the reason, you can be the person most inteligent in this world, but if a woman cross your rode and also she change your world, is so hard to take tha best desicion...

tha life is so confused, but, we know enjoy each beatiful moment, like this, like when you are sad or happy, cause that is tha sense of life.

we shouldnot stay in situations where we are sad every time...well. sometimes.