jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

Difference between friend and partner

a class mate blow you ...

a friend is the class you fly and caches, and blames will defend you ...

a companion with you the task ...

a friend with you the task but we will explain if you do not understand ...

a partner leaves you on the break ...

gives you accompany a friend in the evenings or on weekends, taking the time to ti ...

a partner may be with you all the time while going to classes ...

but a friend is beyond the classes, even after you graduate you still frequent ...

Your partner celebrates a birthday ...

a friend calls you and reminds you each year to congratulate ...

A prank a comrade with you ...

but a friend keeps her secret and takes it over the years ...

company offers a co ...

gives you a friend ....

Friendship ...!

The friendship is for life, no matter who are not, but if they can do the impossible to get back to chat and remember the experiences they had in the past ...

a friend gives you a hand for life, and take many years but will never forget ...

this is a friend ...

Diferencia entre compañero y amigo..

un compañero se vuela la clase contigo...

un amigo se vuela la clase contigo y si los cachan, se echa la culpa y te defiende...

un compañero te pasa la tarea...

un amigo te pasa la tarea pero te la explica si tu no la entiendes...

un compañero sale contigo en el receso...

un amigo te brinda acompañarte en las tardes o en los fines de semana, dedica parte de su tiempo a ti...

un compañero podrá estar contigo todo el tiempo mientras van a clases...

pero un amigo esta mas alla de las clases, aun despues de graduarse te sigue frecuentando...

un compañero festeja tu cumpleaños...

un amigo lo recuerda y te llama cada año para felicitarte...

un compañero hace una travesura contigo...

pero un amigo guarda su secreto y lo lleva consigo durante los años...

un compañero te brinda compañia...

un amigo te brinda .... AMISTAD...!

La amistad es para toda la vida, no importa que ya no se vean,pero cuando pueden hacen lo imposible para volver a charlar y recordar las vivencias y experiencias que tuvieron en el ayer... un amigo te da la mano para toda la vida, y aunque pasen muchos años jamas podras olvidarlo...

eso es un amigo...

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

ALONDRA (Magnolia)

His sad eyes dry your Labrie trembled with fear
It looked in the mirror, it lacked the courage
He lived in depression, his heart is distressed
Mourn not stop
She had a relationship that lasts
That son of a bitch that abandonment
Forbidden fruit that he was traveling in his veins, remained in her womb
Rioja embraced with love, had no choice
Hoooo mourn not stop no, no
And suddenly in the sky in the sky, it will be a ray of sunshine
He painted his face, he changed his soul
And kneeling callus, fell on his knees
I will be your father I will be your mother
Nothing missing, that I got it
I'll give you my hand, I'll give you my arm
Desgarrare my life for you my love
I will be your father I will be your mother
Nothing that you need I got it
I gotta be strong, you are a super man
Is what she screamed at the sky without fear, without fear to heaven
Since the last time the child grew
She embraces him, kissing him
He remembered those years when I was small,
That the hard way, one tears
Lifting his gaze
Hoooo not stop and mourn
And suddenly in the sky in the sky, it will be a ray of sunshine
He painted his face, he changed his soul
And kneeling callus, fell on his knees
I will be your father I will be your mother
Nothing missing, that I got it
I'll give you my hand I'll give you my arm
Desgarrare my life for you my love
I will be your father I will be your mother
Nothing that you need I got it
I gotta be strong, you are a super man